January 9th, 2025!! – Breakfast at the Parlor House at 9:00 AM.
January 13th – Mason Dixon board meeting at 5:30 PM. Chandler
Fishack our host, has reserved the back room of the
American Legion at 14418 MacAfree Hill Rd., Highfield-
Cascade, MD. The Legion is just down the hill from the
gates to Ft. Ritchie, on the same side of the road.
January 18th – Membership meeting and dinner at 5:00 PM at the
Parlor House. Open to all members and guests. Order
from the menu. Board members for 2025 will be
February 10th – Mason Dixon board meeting, location to be announced.
February 13th – Breakfast at the Parlor House at 9:00 AM.
February 22nd – Our annual dinner and Auction at 5:00 at the Parlor
House. Our auctioneer, Chandler, says to bring some
good stuff. Proceeds benefit our club. A fun time. Don’t
miss it!
Looking Ahead
2025 should be an exciting year. This year, each board member took a
month to schedule and coordinate all the activities for that month. I am
looking forward to seeing some new activities and places this year. Please
join us and support all the events planned by your board members, to
make us one of the most active and best clubs in the region.